Pre-service Teachers’ Experiences and Perceptions of the Use of Artificial Intelligence in Teaching and Learning in Oman


Maimoona AL Abri, Zainab Al-shidhani , Shaimaa SalamAl Ramadhani

As advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) continue to reshape various sectors, including education, understanding pre-service teachers' experiences and perceptions of the use of AI in teaching and learning becomes imperative. Multiple teacher preparation programs in Oman are interested in integrating AI-related teaching and learning practice into their courses. However, pre-service teachers' experiences and perceptions of the use of AI in teaching and learning have not yet been investigated in the Omani context. Therefore, this research paper aims to investigate pre-service teachers' experiences and perceptions of the use of AI in educational settings in Oman. This descriptive study employed a quantitative approach. Quantitative data were collected through a structured questionnaire distributed among pre-service teachers in different teacher preparation programs at an Omani university. The questionnaire assessed participants' familiarity with AI technologies, perceived benefits, and concerns. The findings highlighted the positive intentions that pre-service teachers have toward integrating AI into education. However, results showed that pre-service teachers are not getting adequate training in the integration of AI in teaching and learning, although they showed frequent use of AI in their daily tasks. The findings of this research are expected to contribute to the existing literature on AI in education by shedding light on pre-service teachers' experiences and perceptions, particularly within the Omani context. Furthermore, the results are expected to inform educational policymakers and teacher training programs on strategies to integrate AI technologies into teacher education curricula effectively, ensuring future educators are equipped with the necessary skills and mindset to leverage AI for enhanced teaching and learning experiences.




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