Instructions to Authors


Instructions to Authors
Universum Journal (ISSNE-ISSN:0718-2376), is published Biannual by Universidad de Talca, Chile. Its scope is broad and international, covering a range of research areas including Law, Economic, Tourism, History and different social science. The submitted material should fall into the categories of Original articles, Short Communications, Research Notes, Case Reports, and Review Articles.

Publishing Ethics
The manuscripts submitted for publication must be original and unpublished research work written in English, which are not being considered for publication elsewhere. Manuscripts should be free from plagiarism which is globally recognized as a serious academic offense. As a publishing policy of the journal, all the manuscripts are checked for plagiarism before reviewing process.

Submission of Manuscript
The manuscript (MS Word file) should be submitted through Email to:
Universum Journal

Preparation of Manuscript
The manuscript must be written in English (Times New Roman, Font 12) using MS Word format. Manuscripts should have numbered lines with wide margins and double spacing throughout, i.e. also for abstracts, footnotes and references. Every page of the manuscript, including the title page, references, tables, etc. should be numbered at the bottom of each page. Manuscript should be prepared with utmost conciseness under classified headings such as Abstract, keywords, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Authors’ Contribution, Acknowledgments and References.

Title Page
The title page of the manuscript (page 1) should contain the following information:
Full title of the article in sentence case which should be concise and informative depicting the theme of article. Avoid abbreviations and formulae where possible. A running short title (up to 40 characters) should also be included. The corresponding author should be clearly indicated (e.g. using asterisk) with his/her name, complete postal address, Landline/mobile number and e-mail address to whom the correspondence can be made.

The abstract should be given on page 2, with the full title, omitting the name(s) and address(es) of the author(s). Abstract should not exceed 300 words, written in a single paragraph. It should state concisely the scope of the work, important results and conclusion of the study and should be suitable for direct inclusion in any abstracting agency.

Immediately after the abstract provide 3 to 6 keywords, avoiding general, plural and multiple concepts. These keywords will be used for indexing purpose.

This should include a brief consideration of the problem and its importance, a brief review of literature and the objectives of the work.

Materials and Methods
Provide sufficient detail of methodology to allow the work to be reproduced. Methods/techniques already published should be indicated by reference(s): only relevant modifications should be adopted.

Result should be clear and concise. Repetition of the results in different form such as in tabulation or graphics is discouraged.

This should explore the significance of the results of the study, supported by appropriate recent references from published literature.

Authors’ Contributions
The individual contributions of authors in publishing the manuscript must be specified in this section. This will help to give appropriate credit to each author of the paper according to his/her specific contribution. For specifying the individual contributions of the authors, please use initials of the name of each author. For example, MA conceived the idea, designed the project and wrote the manuscript. MMA performed the immunoassays, molecular genetic studies and statistical analysis. MIA participated in the design of the study and helped in writing the manuscript. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.
NOTE: Acquisition of funding, collection of data, or general supervision of the research group, alone, does not justify authorship. All contributors who do not meet the criteria for authorship should be listed in an acknowledgements section.

This should be as brief as possible

Text: All the citation in the text should refer to Single author: The author’s name (without initials) and the year of publication e.g. Awais (2019) or (Awais, 2019).
Two author: Both authors’ name and the year of publication e.g. John and Smith (2010) or (John and Smith, 2020).
More than two authors: : If a citation has more than two authors the first author should be given followed by et al. in standard text format (not italicized), e.g. Jones et al. (2019) or (Jones et al., 2019).
List: The references must be arranged alphabetically. Titles of the journals should be complete. In the case of non-English publications, the original title should be used. Follow the style as shown in the examples below:

For Books/Chapter in Books:
Gupta PK, 1988. Elements of Biotechnology. 1st edition. Rastogi Publications, Meerut, India. pp: 42-45.

Sultzer BM, GW Goodman, and TK Eisenstein, 2020. Endotoxin protein as an immunostimulant. In: Schlessinger D and MM Awais (Eds.), Microbiology. 1st edition. American Veterinary Publications, California, USA, pp: 61-65.

For Journals:
Awais MM, MA Jamal, M Akhtar, MR Hameed, MI Anwar and MI Ullah, 2019. Immunomodulatory and ameliorative effects of Lactobacillus and Saccharomyces based probiotics on pathological effects of eimeriasis in broilers. Microbial Pathogenesis, 126: 101-108.

Wallach M, 2010. Role of antibody in immunity and control of chicken coccidiosis: A review. Trends in Parasitology, 26: 382–387.

Authors are wholly responsible for the accuracy of the citations.

Tables and Illustrations
Tables should have a concise but explicit heading. It should be self-explanatory and set out as simple as possible.

Figures including illustrations/line drawings, graphs and photographs should be included only where necessary. Illustrations and graphs should be submitted in doc/docx format; whereas, photographs should be submitted in jpg format.

Units Abbreviations and Symbols
System International (SI) units should be used. Abbreviations should be used for those recommended by IUPAC-IUB (Biochemical Nomenclature and Related Documents, 1978).

Review Policy
Universum Journal uses double-blind review policy. Authors need to ensure that manuscripts are prepared according to the Universum Journal format and contain all the information required for publication. The review process usually takes 3-4 weeks to complete, however, any delay in this regard will not be on the part of PJLSS Management. The final decision on the manuscript, from submission followed by revision, communicates within 8-10 weeks.

Article Processing Charges
Universum Journal does not charge any submission fee. Payment of USD 1250 will be required for all accepted papers which passed the blind peer review process. The payment will only be required after acceptance and consent for payment does not have any influence on the peer review process. The fee is for article processing and publication in journal only. If articles not indexed in scopus. The fee will be not refundable in any case.
Fast-Track Review: 1500.00 (USD)




Call for Papers

Current issue available now
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The Current issue (Volume 22, Number2. 2024 ) is available now

The managerial Board of Universum Journal is please to announce that from year 2025 ,journal will be published 4 time in a year.

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