Pollution and society: the social construction of atmospheric pollution between Chilean press and decontamination planning


Julio Labraña, Marco Billi, Damaris Arrieta Ruiz, Anahí Urquiza Gómez

Air pollution has become a central issue in recent decades. The present research aims to examine how the press media construct the problem of air pollution in the Metropolitan Region, Chile. To this end, news related to air pollution in the Metropolitan Region published in the digital sites of El Mercurio and La Nación between 2003 and 2018 were analyzed, assessing their closeness with respect to the construction of air pollution in science (assessed by analyzing publications on the topic indexed in Web of Science) and in politics (assessed by analyzing the Atmospheric Prevention and Decontamination Plans). The results suggest the existence of four different interpretative frameworks in the period that operate by selectively translating the results of scientific research into inputs for public policy, thus forming an idiosyncratic construction of the causes, consequences, and solutions to pollution.
Keywords: atmospheric pollution; press media; communication; public politics, science
Received: June 15, 2021; Accepted: July 02, 2022




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1 La búsqueda fue hecha en el repositorio científico Web of Science (Core collection) el día 25 de julio de 2019, considerando exclusivamente artículos publicados entre 2003 y 2018. Para realizar la búsqueda se ocuparon las siguientes palabras claves: ‘Chile’ junto a ‘air pollution’, ‘air pollutant’, ‘pollution’, ‘air quality’ o ‘particulate matter’. La selección de este repositorio científico se debe a sus herramientas de análisis bibliométrico integradas y a que recoge los documentos publicados en las revistas científicas más importantes sobre el tema, si bien —producto de su predominio de publicaciones en idioma inglés— es preciso reconocer que puede conducir a la subvaloración de estudios en castellano con una mayor visibilidad en repositorios como SCOPUS, SciELO o Latindex.

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