Image and construction of identities: The visual framing in the allegoric images of the ‘New World’


Mar Ramírez-Alvarado, Fernando Contreras-Medina

Abstract. The representation of the three continents of classical cosmography (Europe, Asia and Africa) was common since ancient times. The expansion of the world to a fourth continent such as America, at a time of rebounding in allegorical themes, produced the demand for the allegory of this new territory with its own characteristics. This article studies the historical visuality of the American continent and the construction of symbolic frames through a qualitative study based on the framing created by allegorical iconographic elements that circulated in Europe. The analyzed corpus of xylographic and intaglio prints is located between the end of the 16th century and the beginning of the 17th. They all have in common the fact that America has been represented as an amazonian-style nude or half-naked indigenous woman, situated in a paradisiacal context of exuberant nature. In these images references and attributes related to aboriginal anthropophagy, fauna and flora, and family iconographic myths and models appear at the time. The research carried out allows to comprehend the value that in the iconic representation have the imaginaries and socially, historically and culturally established criteria of relevance.
Keywords: America; allegories; symbols; engravings; culture
Received: October 25, 2020; Revised: November 02, 2021; Accepted: November 14, 2021





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