Legitimacy and liberalism in F. A. Hayek's thought: A critique


Santiago Ortúzar Lyon

Abstract. This article explores the role played by the legitimacy of liberal institutions (par excellence, the market economy) in Friedrich Hayek’s thought. Hayek pays significant attention to the issue of the market’s normative justification, but his advocacy for a ‘dogmatic’ defense of individual freedom is unable to account for the concrete experiences of individuals operating within the purview of the market, which are necessary for the generation of legitimacy. This paper then presents a possible solution to this problem found in the work of Jeremy Shearmur, but upon evaluation it is not found an appropriate response. Therefore, at least in these two dimensions of Hayekian thought there are significant limitations concerning the political conditions for the success of the liberal project, the acceptance of which on behalf of individuals is therefore argued to possess a structurally fragile character.
Keywords: Friedrich Hayek; legitimacy; liberalism; market; agency




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1Agradecimientos: Agradezco al Instituto de Estudios de la Sociedad (IES) por su considerable apoyo a la escritura de este artículo, especialmente a sus integrantes Josefina Araos, Daniel Mansuy y Manfred Svensson. Extiendo mis agradecimientos al equipo editorial de Universum y a las/os árbitros evaluadores que comentaron el manuscrito. Todos los errores, desde luego, son responsabilidad mía.
Received: March 19, 2019; Revised: September 21, 2021; Accepted: November 17, 2021
Este es un artículo publicado en acceso abierto bajo una licencia Creative Commons




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