Dictatorial despair and revolutionary hope in El señor Presidente, by Miguel Ángel Asturias


Diego Pérez Hernández

This work explores the relevance of the contrast between hope and hopelessness in Miguel Ángel Asturias’ El Señor Presidente. In doing so, it starts by addressing hopelessness as a harmful political emotion that is inoculated by the dictatorship problematized within the novel in order to submerge the people into powerlessness and to prevent the hope of a democratic alternative to happen. Later, it is stated that hopelessness serves as a means of refuting the speeches that discredit the autocracy of the ominous dictator, who affirms himself through the hopeful belief that the country thrives because of his lead. Finally, the article supplements the idea that dictatorial hopelessness also works for inspiring a revolutionary hope in some hearts. It is concluded that, through contrast between hope and hopelessness, El Señor Presidente supports the emotions and behaviours related to the democratic process promoted within the frame of the Guatemalan Revolution.
Keywords: Dictatorship; El Señor Presidente; political emotions; hope; hopelessness
Received: July 06, 2022; Accepted: July 25, 2022





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1Otro factor que fomentó el crecimiento económico fue el gran flujo de inversiones extranjeras y las masivas inmigraciones europeas y asiáticas (p. 104).
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