Did time politicize? Essay about chronopolitical battles in Chilean October
This essay proposes a reading of the Chilean October by questioning the politicization of time, both as the object of the struggles, protest strategy and conservative counter-offensive. The objective is to understand what is at stake in social conflict, as "chronopolitical battles" between temporalities of order (continuity) and temporalities of transformation (the seeds of a discontinuity that opens up another future). It is argued that it is essential to problematize the current relationship to time, specifically the acceleration of life and the social (de)synchronizations that it implies, as well as the place and sense of the future in the current political conflict. In order to apprehend the chronopolitical battles inherent to these social mobilizations, the contribution of the approach is first proposed, before circumscribing the temporal keys of the demands. Next, the social conflict is analysed as battles of temporalities, based on the concept of momentum. Finally, the question of the social reappropriation of the future is summarized.
Keywords: Chronopolitics; Future; (De)Synchronization; Momentum; Social tempo
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1 Esta propuesta conceptual podría aparecer en el título de este ensayo, pero estimo que todavía está en un estado de desarrollo demasiado embrionario en mi trabajo, para ser el centro de todo el ensayo.
2En este sentido, el concepto dialoga particularmente bien con la idea de "mecanismos de encadenamiento" desarrollado a propósito de los productos políticos de los movimientos estudiantiles chilenos. Ver Bidegain Germán y Maillet Antoine, "Social movements' influence beyond agenda-setting: cycles of protest, chaining mechanisms and policy outcomes in the Chilean student movement (2006-2018)", paper presentado en la conferencia de la Red de Economía Política de América Latina, 2019.
3Hasta ahora, ocupamos el vocablo de «evento» para designar esta ruptura.
4En este caso la estatua de Pedro de Valdivia en Temuco, en pleno territorio mapuche.
Received: March 03, 2020; Accepted: June 04, 2020
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