Evade! Reflections on the power of a writing



The aim of this text is to show the socio-political relevance of the writing with which the Chilean social outbreak of October 2019 began: "Evade!". Using the tools of the anthropology of writing, I analyze the main textual features of this brief writing, as well as its conditions of appearance and propagation in the city, in order to characterize its pragmatic potential. The analysis allows us to understand the profound adequacy of this writing to the operating modalities of contemporary Chilean neoliberalism, but also its capacity to suggest clues to understand the conditions for emergence of a new political sensibility.
Keywords: exposed writings; social outbreak; neoliberalism; performativity; politics




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1 Traducción del autor.
2Traducción del autor.
3Traducción del autor.
4Traducción del autor.
Received: March 31, 2020; Accepted: May 25, 2020
Este es un artículo publicado en acceso abierto bajo una licencia Creative Commons




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