Homobarrocho Monstruosity in Pedro Lemebel’s My Tender Matador


Inger Flem Soto

Inger Flem Soto1

1Universidad del Sur de California, EE.UU. E-mail: flemsoto@usc.edu


The following text is a reflection based on the novel My Tender Matador published by Pedro Lemebel in 2001. The analysis puts the figure of the travesti -in this case, la Loca del frente- in dialogue with monstrosity and the baroque ethos. This theoretical crossing seeks to put into play a reading of the monstrous as an agent that de-monstrates (points out, indicates) a normative order as its reverse. The consequent reading hypothesis is that the novel’s protagonist is a literary strategy to denounce the patriarchal framework of both the dictatorship and the Chilean revolutionary left of the 80's.
Keywords: barroque ethos; travesti; Lemebel; monstruosity; Chile
Received: April 02, 2024; Revised: April 7, 2024; Accepted: April 7, 2024




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