The Literary Memory: Archive in Times of Databases


Rejane C. Rocha

Rejane C. Rocha1

1Departamento de Letras, Universidad Federal de São Carlos, Brasil.


Digital contemporaneity is characterized by the acceleration of time and the obsolescence of techniques and technologies (Santos, 2008; Couchot, 1997). It raises questions about the archive’s viability in a culture that has made the database its privileged cultural metaphor (Manovich, 2005). This article proposes to reflect on themes concerning the role and characterization of the archive, in this context, with regard to the preservation of digital literature and the creation and institutionalization of the Brazilian digital literary repertoire. For this, it mobilizes Derrida’s (2001) reflections on the archive, putting them in dialogue with Manovich’s (2005) propositions about the database and, finally, articulates them with the systemic approach of literature, carried out by Even-Zohar (2017). The theoretical-critical discussion undertaken here is supported by the archival and preservation activities developed by the Brazilian Digital Literature Observatory (CNPq), which made the creation of the Atlas of Brazilian Digital Literature possible.
Keywords: archive; database; digital literature; memory; ATLAS of Brazilian digital literature
Received: October 04, 2023; Accepted: October 26, 2023




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1Disponível em:
2A esse respeito, indico as discussões desenvolvidas ao longo das Jornadas de Arquivo e Preservação da Literatura Digital, realizada em maio de 2021, promovida pelo Observatório da Literatura Digital Brasileira (UFSCar/Brasil) e pelo Laboratorio Digital (Universidad Diego Portales/Chile). Os vídeos das conferências e mesas estão disponíveis em:
3Disponível em:
4A referida edição é a tradução para o espanhol (não há tradução para o português) do livro The language of the new media, realizada por Òscar Fontrodona e editada em Madrid, pela Paidós.
5Trata-se de hipótese sobre cuja validade começo a refletir em meu atual projeto de pesquisa.
6Refiro-me, aqui, ao meme: “There is no cloud it's just someone else's computer”

Este é um artigo publicado em acesso aberto sob uma licença Creative Commons




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